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Here lieth ye olde update posts. I'm not really sure why you'd want to read the ones from two years ago, but if you want them, here they are. Enjoy, you creepy stalker-people.



To those of you who rely on this for updates on my life: sorry I haven't posted in so long, but things have been very hectic lately. Lots to do, not enough time in which to do it, and all that stuff. Anyway, here's a quantitative report on my life these past two weeks:

Tests aced: one, so far. Will hopefully change on Thursday.
Pumpkins carved: one, and it made a very nice pie...
Bruises acquired: nine. Stories following later in the post.
Scrapes/abrasions acquired: two. Again, stories to follow.
Computers fixed: none, so far, though I hope to change that this week.
Nights of random wandering about the 'Boro, wondering what mischief we could wreak: two.

Hmm...those are about all the things I can actually count. On to stories. Not much to tell about the tests; I just got out of my project management test, which is the one I've aced, so far. I have another in operations management on Thursday, but I don't think it'll be too bad--as long as I study before then. However, I also have a group project due Thursday I have to finish my part of. Thursday's really going to be fun.
As for the pumpkins: my boyfriend's apartment complex has a door decorating contest, the winner of which gets $100. ($50 to second place.) He's really into winning this contest, and I haven't carved a pumpkin in forever, so we went to Wally World and picked up some pumpkins. Mine has a really nifty dragon on it with a castle silhouetted in the background. (Aren't patterns wonderful? O:)) One of his has the flamingo that their complex uses as their logo and the name of the complex, and the other has three bats and his apartment number. Last night the spider webbing went up outside, along with the orange and black lights. (They're being judged Wednesday.) I think one of the most absurd things I've seen this week, though, was all three pumpkins floating in the bathtub last night. You see, if you carve your pumpkins early and they start to dry out and shrivel, you can soak them in water for about a half hour and they perk right back up. It's just weird to walk into your boyfriend's apartment, go to use the bathroom, and see three large, orange squash floating in his tub. Anyhow, we carved them this weekend, and since I couldn't bear to see good pumpkin meat thrown out, I made two pies and a loaf of pumpkin bread, all from scratch, which I don't think I've ever done before. It surprised me how well they came out, though. There's still 3/4 of the loaf left and an entire pie, so if you're around the 'Boro and want some pie, let me know.
On to the stories of the bruises. I'll start with the more interesting one, since the others have to do with fencing, and I'm sure I'll get carried away and describe how I got them in great detail which some of you won't quite understand. This past weekend was Homecoming at GaSoU, and, as such, we had the Homecoming parade on Friday afternoon. (My roommate, part of the international float, used silver and orange spray hair paint to draw Japanese flags on his chest, back, face, and the top of his head.) The parade went fairly smoothly, excepting the fact that the entirety of the clarinet section can't march for shite and doesn't know how to turn a curve in a parade block. Anyway, upon returning from the parade, I opened my trunk, set my keys down in it (first mistake), and grabbed my stuff from the back, all the while arguing with a friend of mine about D&D or something. I then proceed to close the trunk, forgetting that my keys are inside. Whoops! My car has no way into the trunk from inside the car itself, but I have a spare key for my car--in my apartment. Which is locked. And nobody's home. And I don't have my roommate's cell phone number. And my landlord isn't answering his phone. And my door is impossible to jimmy with a credit card. (We all had a crack at it.) Thankfully, three of my friends stayed with me until my boyfriend got there and used a tire iron to open one of the small windows into the living room which has never had a screen. (Now I know why.) With three people standing below on the concrete a story and a half down, ready to catch me if I fell, and my boyfriend holding the window open and the curtain out of the way, I climbed from the deck through the window, which is a good foot from the edge of the rail on the balcony outside. (Did I mention I have a second-story apartment?) Didn't even slip. Though I wouldn't want to do it again, so I'm having a spare key made sometime today, more than likely, and placing it somewhere inconspicuous. Not sure where, though. Anyhow, that's how I got two of the bruises and both of the abrasions on my legs. The other five came from fencing the boyfriend yesterday, whose weapon broke about a month ago and is too short. In his mind, this translates to, "I have to hit people harder and faster because if I don't, I'll come up short." One shot glanced off my chest protector and stuck under my collarbone, giving me a nice, obvious welt. Three others left some interestingly-colored marks on my legs. But I think the worst is probably the one on my right pointer-finger knuckle. Being short, people have a harder time hitting me when fencing. However, most people don't angle their blade down so that when I go to parry them from a certain direction I end up parrying with my knuckle. Four separate times. I actually had to ice that one down, but it seems not to have affected the joint itself. It just looks like I got really mad and punched something hard. But that's the story on me lately--email me with questions.

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SO BUSY!!! I've been going crazy for the past week and a half, almost. I still don't have a name for my new fish, I have a capstone project I'm going to talk to the IS department chair about in 20 minutes, our database project (due tomorrow) isn't finished (not due to a lack of effort on my part), and we have to start on the second part of our project management project, which we didn't know until a week ago was actually going to be a real project, to (hopefully) be implemented by the university. Not to mention having to study for two other classes and having band practice (and, thus, stupid people) to deal with. I'm really looking foward to having Mom, Dad, and my sister and brother-in-law and nephew here this weekend--I'll have an excuse to take some time off. 'Course, I still have to somehow get my roommate to move his shit out of the living room, where it is taking up a good 60% of the floor and coffee table space, so that I can make some attempt at cleaning and semi-baby-proofing the place. It's got a long way to go. Basically, the only good news I've had this week is that one of my best friends from high school finally delivered last night at around 8:00 PM--a healthy, 7 lb., 20 inch baby girl. I'm so excited!! I hope to be able to go visit her over the Thanksgiving holiday. Anyway, enough for now--have to go OK a project. Wish me luck...

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Eulogy for a Fish

For those of you who don't know, I lost my wonderful little watery companion this past Monday. Radagast, my betta, has finally embarked on his last journey--into the Statesboro sanitation system. Previously, he traveled with me to Pensacola a few times, keeping me company on the 7.5 hour drive. He was always there to keep me entertained when I felt lonely or bored. For two years he graced my computer desk, digging in the rocks on the bottom of his bowl and looking to me demandingly for food. His presence will most definitely be missed.
After a two-day mourning period, I found a replacement for my deceased friend. However, I have yet to settle on a name for him. I'd like to keep on with my tradition of naming after semi-obscure Tolkien characters/places/names, so if you have any ideas, I'd really appreciate the help.

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Finally, a new development in the busted computer saga! I've finally figured out what's happened to my hard drive. It seems that Windows 98 decided to randomly corrupt my file allocation tables, which means that I'll have to reformat my entire hard drive. I don't know how much information I'll actually be able to get off of it before having to reformat, but I think I can hook it up to a friend of mine's hard drive and pull at least a few things off. After that, it's reformatting and hello, Windows XP! ;) Yes, I am slowly but surely coming to terms with the fact that I'm going to have to say goodbye to most of the stuff on my computer, though grudgingly. It sucks, but to quote one of my group members (and the Sopranos)--"What can you do? Forget about it!"

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...And my computer's dead. Or nearly so. I am, at the moment, trying to resurrect it from the ashes of Windows 98 in hopes of bigger and better operating systems. However, I haven't had much luck, so far. Worst-case scenario: I have to get a new computer. Best-case scenario: I get it fixed and install Windows XP. Chances-are scenario: I take over to a friend's place and hook my hard drive up to his Linux box, through which we can erase Windows manually and (hopefully) install XP the same way. Sort of. I might be able to do something with it this afternoon--I have a theory that just might work--but as it's been freezing up with just about everything I do with it (excluding the limited form of DOS that it runs), I doubt it's going to work. Still worth a try, though, right? Wish me luck! :)

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You know, I've been waiting for some time for things to start not going my way. It seems that this week karma has caught up to me. Not only do I almost kill my fish and slice up my finger on Monday, but by Wednesday, it's even extended to my roommate, who managed to somehow puncture the skin on his ankle and bleed all over the kitchen. That night, I have terrible dreams, get up for class in a not-so-good mood, and proceed to have a terrible nosebleed in the middle of project management. The one day I'm brave enough to wear a white sweatshirt. I ended yesterday rather pissed off at the world. So I get up today thinking,in my naivete, "It's a new day--things will be better, and all the frustration of yesterday will melt away."

I really should know better.

My computer has decided that it's going to freeze whenever it feels like it, whether it has a reason or not. It at least booted last night, then froze in the middle of initializing most of my actually useful programs. 'Course, I try it this morning and it won't even boot. I think I stared at "Windows 98" in utter disbelief for a good two minutes this morning before just turning it off. The pop tart and cherry Coke I had for "breakfast" while in corporate finance earlier will not simply accept the fact that they've been eaten and go peacefully into my digestive tract. I wore pants and a sweater to class because I know it's cold in the IT building, but am somehow still cold, and will be for the duration of this update and my next class (database, one of the most boring classes in the world). So I basically have to keep my brain from shutting down due to the sub-65-degree temperatures in the building by attempting to pay attention to something I have little to no interest in for 50 minutes. *sigh*
And I'm rambling near-aimlessly at this point in an attempt to slake my thirst for verbally lashing out at the occasional injustice of the world. Which is useless, I know, but dammit, it makes me feel better! >:o Now that I've had my little snit, it's off to find a nice, quiet corner with my book (currently
Tad Williams' The Dragonbone Chair--again).

And now, due to excessive boredom before class...

You are StrongBad. You hate everyone, especially HomeStar. Your e-mails and prank calls are hilarious. You're my favorite character. You try to be evil, but sorry, being shirtless with boxing gloves just isn't scary. Don't worry what everone else thinks because hey, they are all "crap for brains".

What HomeStarRunner Character are you? (pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

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Well, it's been almost a month since I last updated my site, so I think it's about time. Here's the general update on my life, as of between classes on this very nice 8th of September. Classes are going better than I expected, though a good half of them are pretty boring. Operations management isn't too bad, and is also taught by my only American prof this semester. Finance isn't as boring as some of the others, either, but that's mainly because my prof doesn't work off of PowerPoint slides, which means we actually have to stay awake and take notes. The prof for that class is Greek, though, which also helps keep us awake--we really have to pay attention just to figure out what he's saying, sometimes. At least his grammar is good. Then there's project management and development. Yep, it doesn't get much more boring than that. A monotone Iranian prof in an already boring class. Needless to say, my notes for that class are covered in scribbled messages to Liz about how I'm starving and really, really cold. As for my other class, data management...well, I've got this little Aussie prof who really tries to be interesting and entertaining, but it's all about databases. You can't get much more blah than that, in my mind. So we all try to pay attention to the guy, or at least look like we are, as he lectures. But there's not a lot that you can't learn from some combination of the book and the lecture slides, which he posts on WebCT.
Anyway, they've finally got the cafe open here in the brand-new IT building, and it looks like they've got decent food. I'm mainly interested in the coffee ($.89--yay!). Most of the food's pretty expensive, and I can bring a lunch that's a lot better for me for a lot cheaper. Yes, I'm on something of a healthy-eating kick (surprise, surprise). Not a diet, just trying to eat healthier.
That's about it for the goings-on in my life, at the moment. I know, pretty boring, right? Don't suppose there's much that can help that, though. Any ideas?

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I'm sure some of you may be wondering why I haven't updated anything in quite a while. Here's my excuse: band camp. And I don't want to hear even one word about "this one time" something happened at band camp. It's not like that, really. Though I know quite a few people who wish it was...
Anyhow, I'm quite burned on the upper half of my body, including the part in my hair (which is rather painful) and am almost blonde now. However, as of last Sunday, I can legally buy alcohol and own a handgun. :D Had a really good part last Saturday night, too. Didn't get too horribly drunk, though I never plan on mixing hunch punch with Crown Royal ever again. My stomach really didn't like me after that. But I didn't throw up. I'm very proud of myself.
Not much else going on besides band camp, right now. I know there are quite a few of you reading this who haven't heard from me in a while, but I've had a lot to do--I'm one of about two people who knows anything about fixing piccolos, and thus have had to do much as far as fixing them goes. GSU owns 14 piccolos. Just before band camp, 4 of them worked. Now we have 9 working ones and 3 that are used for parts because there's just no hope for them. The rest sort of work, but not well enough to play often. Thankfully, I've finally convinced Dr. Fallin to send them in after this marching season and be serviced. It's only taken me three years of rigging piccolos together with little latex hair rubber bands to convince him of this. Yes, my life is so much fun, sometimes.
PS--Just for a follow-up on the boyfriend's roommate situation: he did attempt to return and claim his things, bringing the law with him. That night, he was written a warning for criminal trespassing and told not to return. I think a lawsuit is in the works between him and the apartment complex, but I don't think it will affect anyone else, as far as liability goes.

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Interesting update: my boyfriend's bastard roommate was kicked out of the apartment complex today. I got to witness this great occurrence. Seeing as how I've never actually witnessed someone being kicked out of anywhere, it was very interesting. 'Course, the guy owed the complex around $1,600 in rent. He was also told that he had to be out of the apartment by 6:00 PM today and chose, instead of moving everything out, to go smoke out with his neighbor. (Which is probably a good thing, as he was rather pissed that they threw away a whole bunch of his stuff, even though they gave him more time to move it than anyone else in the complex.) So my boyfriend ended up with a very nice TV, table and chairs, PS2, Nintendo (the original one), a large propane grill, and a veritable plethora of games and movies. I got a set of heavy plastic glasses with numbers on them out of the deal, and another friend of ours got a bunch of SNES games, as we had no medium through which to play them.
But wait--there's more! Since they're not changing the locks on the doors for another week and the aforementioned boyfriend is leaving to go out of town for four days, we had to secure the apartment against the old roommate's inevitable attempts to get back in and take the rest of 'his' stuff and maybe some of the rest of it. So we made a trip to Wal-Mart for a deadbolt and some rope. Now the apartment's security modifications include a couch in front of the front door and laundry room door, both of which are tied together with some of the rope, rope connections between all four bedroom doors (in pairs, as they are conveniently directly across from one another), a new deadbolt on the backdoor, and a 2-by-6 procured from a local construction site dumpster bracing the tilt-in window to keep it from folding inward. I get to go drop a note off at the complex's office tomorrow afternoon explaining to the staff why they can't get in to clean the unoccupied bedrooms and shampoo the carpet. I don't think they'll mind--the ex-roommate was as much of a pain in the ass to them (if not more so) as he was to the boyfriend. (The entire staff crew came to see him out of the apartment and dump his stuff. Matter of fact, they saved him for last that day and were spotted at the clubhouse directly afterward, sitting around and having a few cold ones.)
As you can tell, it's been a very interesting day.

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Well, haven't updated anything in a while, but never fear--I'm still working on a few things for the site. Maybe a scroll bar on the side or something, so that I can add as much here as I want and not make people scroll like mad just to get to what they want to see. I'll probably have a better way to handle that soon, if not a side menu.
Not much going on, other than that...still bored, still waiting for the summer to end. Not that I'm necessarily looking forward to class and marching band all that much, but hey, at least it's something to do. A challenge, if you will, to balance my class, band, fencing, and my social life. (Yes, I do happen to have one. Stop laughing.) Wish me luck!

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...And my boredom reaches a new low. My car's in the shop as of yesterday; I needed my tires balanced and that stupid little noise I've had for the past six months fixed, which they didn't fix last time I had it in the shop for just that. And knowing my luck, they'll want me to pay for it again, even though they already got almost $300 from me when I took it in last time!! *sigh* Such is life, I suppose.
Anyway, as for the site, I've added a poll down below my message boards, which someone posted on earlier!! :D (It really doesn't take much to make me happy, as you can see.) I feel special. Now if I can just get a few more people to do the same...

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Well, I've been back from my boyfriend's house since Sunday night, but I really haven't had anything to add to the site. If you haven't already checked, I've gotten message boards up (finally!) that are decent, even if the text boxes are a little's better than what I had. Plus, the site I got them from has a lot of other really cool stuff I'll probably be adding in the near future. Polls and the like. Should be fun. :) Anyway, check out the message boards--they're lonely.

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Have been building on my page, as you can probably tell--check the bottom for changes and add-ons. I now have a links page, as well as a page about myself, if anyone's really that interested. If anyone doesn't already know me...'s not much, but it's enough to satiate some people's curiosity. Would eventually like to get a picture up, but as I don't think I have any pics of me on my computer and don't know anyone who does, that might have to wait awhile.
Still working on getting those message boards up--turns out the ones on Tripod suck royal rocks, so I'll have to go elsewhere to get them. I've already been warned by at least one person that I might regret putting them up if I do, as he gets very bored very easily. That'll be part of the fun, though--I intend them to be a place to share rants and various other random views on life. So check out my new pages and check back in a few days--might not get anything done until after the weekend, as I'm going out of town tomorrow.

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Well, I finally figured out the very small and stupid mistake I was making with my graphics (of course--couldn't have been something that didn't make me look stupid). So things should get a little more interesting as time goes on, as far as the looks of this place. Check back soon--hope to have message boards up within the next day or so, if I don't make a stupid mistake with that, too... :P

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Woot--finally got something working right on this website. Emailed the Tripod people earlier about why my images won't work, so I'll hopefully be adding a few things soon to spruce things up a bit. Until then, I'll be working on message boards, maybe, and possibly a poll or two on random topics. So go sign my guestbook, leave your mark, and begone until I can get this looking like a respectable site. :P

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And now, under the influence of
Blind Guardian, I finally get to building that second web page I've been thinking about for a few years. It'll be much better as time goes on, I promise, but for now I'll stick with the easy stuff as I get back into the hang of writing my own code. Who knows--if you're really lucky, I might just post a few of my Java workings. (No, not Javascript, just Java. Big difference.) If I ever decide to pick it up again. Two courses in something that boring get you rather sick of it.
Anyhow, if any of you have spoken to me today, you know I haven't been in the best of moods. I'm feeling better now, though, since I've gotten a replacement betta for my boyfriend and he seems to be doing just great. Mine's still recovering, but I think he's looking a bit better since I changed his water and bleached out his bowl (not with him in it, of course).
Still (obviously) working on graphics for this page--it has nothing on my old page, as yet, but we'll see how that ends up. If you have any pictures or any spare time to make any graphics you think would fit, feel free to let me know; I welcome contributions. And if you're looking for some yourself, I've linked to the two places I've gotten stuff from, so far, at the bottom of the page. Check them out, pass it on, whatever.
As far as my intentions for this page go, I'd like to have some forums up soon on various topics. If you have any suggestions as to what these topics should be, please let me know.

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