Back to top 8/25/04
I'm baaaaack! Yes, I've finally decided to update my web site again. At least once. Mainly because I'm pissed off at the rain, but I've bitched enough about that in my LiveJournal (here, in case you're interested). I've finally started beating my asthma, getting back in shape, and toning up...and the rain's started again. Every time Mom and I go outside to walk/jog, it fucking thunders. I wouldn't mind the rain, so much; after all, it's usually hot enough that it would feel nice. But I'd rather not take my chances with the lightning while running down a wet, slippery, open street. There's really nothing else to do in the way of exercise around the house, either. Or, at least, nothing that works cardio. There are few places in Pensacola to work out that aren't priced for the rich, retired people. No fencing, no affordable dance/pilates/yoga/kickboxing/martial arts/anything. I don't think a lack of funds on my part has ever pissed me off this much.
Anyhow, I did manage to go see the boyfriend for a week or so, for which I am glad. Apparently, the majority of his family, excepting one grandmother and one cousin, forgot his birthday. No calls, no cards, much less any presents. His parents and brother and sister sort of celebrated while I was there, but nothing too special was done (except the baking of a very good strawberry cake). Poor guy. I, on the other hand, forgot to even call my half sister on her birthday (the 18th) and have yet to get a card in the mail. Probably won't, as it's really, really late to do so now. I've already apologized. ;)
Well, that's all for now--I really don't feel like posting much else.
As for the rest of life...well, there really isn't much to it. I'm now a godmother (twice over, if you count my mom...), which is really, really cool. My nephews are growing by the day, it seems, and I'm really glad that I live close enough to be a part of their lives. (Which really means that I'm glad I live close enough to spoil the crap out of them as they're growing up. *evil grin* ) I'll hopefully be living even closer soon, once I get out and get a job.
Back to top 1/13/04
I got really tired of scrolling forever to get to certain things on the site, and I'm sure you did, too, so I'm putting all of last year's updates on a separate page. Wonder why I didn't think of that earlier...
As for not posting in forever...well, things got really hairy toward the end of last semester. I got stuck doing about 75% of a 4-person project, as I was the only one in the group who seemed to be able to figure out anything whatsoever about SQL and Oracle. (And, just for the record: I hate Oracle. With a passion.) So we ended up pretty much failing the project, as I couldn't get it done fast enough due to the fact that said project was frigging enormous. However, most everyone else failed, as well, so to make a long story short, I passed with a C. 'Course, I also got a C in project management, which I should've had more like a high B or an A in mid-semester. Well, something had to give up some time so I could work on that stupid d-base project, and that was it.