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My Little Corner of the 'Net

Updates--Archives '03--Archives '04--Email me!--Message boards--Vote!--Guestbook--Links--About me--Credits--Go away!!


Yes, I would like to keep this site going. Yes, I do eventually plan on making it cooler than it currently is. No, I don't have the time right now; I have a wedding to plan, on top of a full-time job and a life. So I'll be back here eventually. I may make this a repository for some of my writing, once I get back to that, as well. Wish me luck and sanity!

days 'til the wedding...


Wow...I honestly haven't updated this since last October?? Sheesh. Well, here's the quick and dirty on what's changed:
  • I've lost a bit of weight
  • I'm now dating someone else
  • I'm temping at the local newspaper with one serious, permanent job prospect in field
  • I've joined the Pensacola Civic Band
  • I became the assistant choir director at my church, but the position was eliminated three months later due to lack of funding (now I don't even go to practice anymore)

I think that's about all that's important. Anyhow, as you can see, I've archived last year's posts, as they're doing nothing but cluttering up the main site even more. I may end up working on this a bit more often, as time allows, but as we all know, I've said that many times in the past. So we'll have to see.


I have now archived all my 2004 postings, as well--I added the link to them at the top of the page.

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Some stuff about me

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This is the page I got the background from, plus a few other cool ones I might use in the future.
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Now go away or I will taunt you a second time!
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This page has been visited times since 6/13/03.